
To find an article of what I am looking for online was fairly easy. It was a no duh feeling for me to know where to start looking for an article. I went to History.com to start my search, that is where I found the article “Greek Mythology”.

In this article it goes into detail about the Olympians and what they are known for, not only what they are known for but what their influences on the culture is. This article also talks about they fun aspects about Greek mythology such as the heroes and the monsters, little did I know these heroes and monsters in Greek mythology relate to other heroes and monsters in other ancient cultures. Overall, this article that History.com provided is highly useful because of how it tells about the characters, stories, themes and lessons Greek mythology has shaped in the Greek culture. Also, not only is there an article going into greater depth, but there is a video to watch that shows the influence on such thing like art, and building structure. I can honestly say this article has the potential of being a really helpful source in terms of background knowledge.

  • https://www.history.com/topics/ancient-history/greek-mythology
